Thursday, June 29, 2006

Great Meeting Today

There are days when my practice is really rewarding and fulfilling. Today was one of those days. After a very trying few weeks, in which I met with people full of excuses and ineptitude, it was nice to meet with someone who is extremely sharp.

I had the pleasure of meeting with Chris Cheng this afternoon. He runs a MSP (merchant service provider) company and he knows the value of process driven sales. His success is pretty amazing and I think it is directly related to the processes he has put onto place to more efficiently run his company.

In a highly competitive business, he has managed to find a way to improve his profit, increase his sales and keep his valuable people. He has documented a variety of sales processes, among other processes in other areas of his business, in the past three years. He is one of the few companies that fall into the 15% of companies with a documented sales process.

The numbers he showed me today were a direct result of the processes he has put so much thought into. They are quantifiable and they provide him with a means to adjust his business as dictated by current market trends.


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